Version v.1.0

lecture: Practical use of drones in everyday life


Practical use of drones in everyday life is a lecture about the usage of drones, and their potential in the future.

Practical use of drones in everyday life is a lecture about the usage of drones, and their potential in the future.
Practical use of drones in everyday life is a topic that is more and more popular in the "drone" community, as well as in the general public. Use of remote controlled, or autonomous flying crafts has a huge potential to change the way we live. Medi-drones, DHL & Amazon drones are all a reality, that was unimaginable just 5 years ago. In this lecture i will present the uses, as well as the problems that arise with the use of drones in everyday life.


Day: 2015-09-13
Start time: 17:30
Duration: 01:30
Room: Pupin



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