Version v.1.0

workshop: How to throw a CryptoParty

Train the trainers


The thought of teaching in general, but security in particular, can be quite intimidating. We'll share our experiences, the limits of CryptoParty (security disclaimer!), but also the strengths (that when you follow some simple guide lines it practically runs itself).

CryptoParty is a global, decentralized initiative to introduce the most basic cryptography programs and fundamental concepts of their operation to the general public.

Everyone can join, newcomers especially welcome!

We'll set up different tables divided by different criteria, be it geographically or by topic, where people can exchange what they learned so far. We made all the mistakes so you don't have to.


Day: 2015-09-13
Start time: 13:30
Duration: 03:00
Room: Milankovic



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